Advance Your Career With Vohra's Wound Care Certification
- Lifetime access to online education modules
- Engaging videos & study guides designed by experienced wound care physicians
- Unlimited attempts at the final certification exam, at no extra cost
- Earn the Vohra Wound Certified Nurse (VWCN™) distinction
- 30 Continuing Nursing Education credits (CNEs)
Vohra is the global leader in wound care education and certification. Based on decades of experience, Vohra’s team of specialty wound care physicians developed this practical wound education to help you accelerate your nursing career and deliver better care, regardless of clinical setting.
The Vohra Wound Care Certification for Facility-based nurses includes:
- A low, one-time fee that includes all learning modules and the final certification exam (plus no hidden fees along the way)
- Lifetime access to 14 lessons with video & study guides for each module
- Ability to take video classes from each module in the order of your choice
- Interactive quizzes and supplemental materials to reinforce key concepts
- A final review and exam, after which you will be an official Vohra Wound Certified Nurse (VWCN™)
- A Certification and 30 Continuing Nursing Education credits (CNEs)* upon completion
- Specialized wound care content for skilled nurses working in long-term care units (LTC), assisted living facilities (ALFs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and nursing homes. However, if you are treating your patients at home, click here to learn more about our Wound Care Certification for Home Health-based nurses.
Accreditation Statement
*This nursing continuing professional development activity is approved by the Maryland Nurses Association,
an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Content overview:
- Acute and Chronic Wounds
- Wound Care Treatment Options
- Nutrition
- Support Surfaces
- Management & Treatment of Vascular Ulcers
- Atypical Wounds
- Infection Control
- Geriatric Skin Conditions
- Wound Healing
- Wound Rounds & Assessment
- F686 Regulatory Requirements
- Prevention of Re-hospitalizations
- Delayed Wound Healing
- Ostomy Care
- Vohra Wound Care Certification Cost: $650 USD
- Estimated hours to complete: 25 hours
- CNEs awarded: 30 credits

Eligible License:
- RN
- NP
- PA
Why Earn a Certification with Vohra?
Gain industry-recognized status as a wound care expert
Improve patient outcomes by providing high quality care
Get lifetime online access
to all educational materials
Complete your annual
CNE credits requirements
Boost your confidence
while working with doctors
Learn in a 100% remote,
self-paced program
Hear what our Vohra Certified nurses are saying:
Questions? We’re happy to help.
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